“A WHALE (SHARK) OF AN ETHICAL DILEMMA” Hakai Magazine Many people admit that feeding whale sharks to attract them for tourists is ethically troubling, but most justify taking part as a guilty pleasure. “MEET THE SQUIDWORM FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE” Cosmos Magazine online This Cosmos’ “Image of the Day” features a previously unknown creature it describes as ‘having tentacles on its head and rows of bundled spines on its body that paddle like oars of a
Links to interesting news and research: “COOL JAZZ: BOWHEAD WHALES IMPROVISE WHEN SINGING, STUDY SAYS” A.P. News (Audio recording, “woo woo woo riffs” included) “MYSTERIOUS DEEP SEA LIFE BELOW ANTARCTIC” National Geographic Below the ice, plants and animals thrive – A terrific slideshow. “HOW A SEA URCHIN IS LIKE A RUSHING RIVER” Science Magazine News Feed On rocky reefs around the world, spiky sea urchins find homes in depressions in the sandstone, mudstone and
“ROBOTIC FISH TO KEEP A FISHY EYE ON HEALTH OF THE OCEANS” New York Times SoFi – short for “Soft Robotic Fish” – can swim with the real ones. “THE BASE OF THE ICEBERG: IT’S BIG AND TEEMING WITH LIFE” Knowable Magazine Turns out these big blocks of attract things like algae, krill, sea butterflies, bristleworms, fishes, seabirds, penguin and seals. “NEW ENGLAND FISHERY MANAGERS VOTE TO PROTECT OVER 25,000 SQUARE MILES OF DEEP-SEA CORALS FROM
“THE CUTTLEFISH, A MASTER OF CAMOUFLAGE, REVEALS A NEW TRICK” The New York Times Sneaky cephalopods can change the text of their skin. W/video demo. “RESEARCHERS HAVEN’T FOUND A SINGLE RIGHT WHALE CALF YET THIS SEASON” NPR The trend has been bad for some years. “WATCH THE ADORABLE FIRST-EVER VIDEO OF A NEW-BORN DUMBO OCTOPUS” Washington Post It’s all in the ears. “THE OCEAN IS SUFFOCATING AND IT’S OUR FAULT” LiveScience “Dead zones” that lack
Links to News, Research and Other Interesting Stuff on the Web “THE SWISS CONSIDER THE LOBSTER. IT FEELS PAIN, THEY DECIDE” A British scientist concludes it’s possible that lobsters feel pain when placed in boiling water, the Swiss order it no longer be done, a Boston scientist says it’s all hooey. “THE BLOODY PIRATE LIFE OF ONE OF THE OCEAN’S MOST ELUSIVE CREATURES” It turns out that giant squids steal from each other. “TRASH IN
THE HEADLINE SOUNDS WHIMSICAL – Yes, oysters can ‘hear.’ They probably wish we’d clam up. But the concept is serious. A team of researchers in France have determined that oysters react to many of the sounds of underwater noise pollution, like the engines of passing ships, wind turbines and pile driving. NOISE LIKELY A THREAT TO MANY FORMS OF MARINE LIFE Underwater noise pollution has long been a concern regarding whales and fishes. It’s been
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